The Power Plant

Book Club

Wed Aug 07 2013

3:00 PM – 4:30 PM

FREE Members
$10 Non-Members
Call the Harbourfront Centre Box Office at 416.973.4000 or click below to purchase tickets.

Members can reserve their free tickets by contacting Jennifer Simaitis, Membership Coordinator, at 416.973.4926 or

The Power Plant

Since 2009, a group of local conceptual artists, writers, curators, and others interested in artists’ books have gathered as “Book Club.” Members of the group will hold their second public gathering in conjunction with the exhibition Postscript: Writing After Conceptual Art. Reflecting on everything from the distinctive formal qualities of books to the history of the medium and the interrelationships among literature, language, text and print in art, Book Clubbers will discuss the rich legacy of artists’ books in a show-and-tell-style with examples from their private treasure troves of artists’ books. The public is invited to join the members of Book Club: Bill Clarke, Dave Dyment, Wendy Gomoll, Michael Klein, Micah Lexier, Derek McCormack, Roula Partheniou, Sarah Robayo Sheridan, Derek Sullivan, and Paul Van Kooy.

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