*CANCELLED* Saturday Story-Time: Sounds in the City!
Sat Nov 12 2016
6:00 AM – 7:00 AM
Saturday Story-time is limited to 40 children and their adults.
Visit thepowerplant.org or call the Harbourfront Centre Box Office at 416.973.4000 to purchase tickets.
The Power Plant
Kari-Lynn Winters. Courtesy of the author.
PROGRAM UPDATE: This program has been cancelled. The Power Plant apologises for any inconvenience caused, if you have any questions or concerns about tickets and purchases please contact us at info@thepowerplant.org or 416.973.4949. Thank you.
In Maria Loboda’s exhibition Some Weep, Some Blow Flutes, a rail along one wall has letters that spell out the sound of a yawn. What other sounds do people make? What about animals? What about sounds in the city?
Children under 5 are welcome to bring Mom or Dad, Grandma or Grandpa, or other guardian to this program featuring award-winning children’s book author Kari-Lynn Winters, who will read On My Walk and lead other related activities. One reviewer writes of On My Walk: “This fun book with onomatopoeic words like clippity-clop, hippity-hop and drippity-drop, is set in Vancouver. The child in the book enjoys a pleasant summer walk with mom (presumably) and pet dog. Along the way, he observes many things, including horses, frogs, fish and freighters. And, of course, the Vancouver rain makes an appearance, turning the summer walk into a summer run. This simple and short book is a celebration of walking in our city.”