Carey Young: Speechcraft
Sun Mar 15 2009
3:00 PM – 4:30 PM
Join artist Carey Young for her debut public performance in Canada. The event features a meeting of the international public speaking club Toastmasters, which Young presents as a readymade performative situation. Founded in the 1920s, Toastmasters aims to help people from all walks of life to construct their public presence so that they look and sound like "leaders." Young will ask each speaker to address objects from her studio which she finds artistically inspiring. As with every Toastmaster meeting, the resulting speeches will be judged and evaluated in a cycle of inspiration, review and reward. Speechcraft questions the relationship between art, artists and the public by presenting Toastmasters as an alternative space of creativity, interpretation, ritual, and critique. In Toronto, Carey Young will collaborate with the Toastmasters Club, High Park Speakers.