The Power Plant

LEGO Art: Urban Landscapes with Ekow Nimako

Wed Jan 23 – Wed May 01 2019

11:00 AM – 2:00 PM


Toronto Kiwanis Boys & Girls Clubs
TP Loblaws at St. Mary’s Catholic School
20 Portugal Sq.

 Image courtesy of the artist

On Wednesday evenings, youth from TP Loblaws Clubhouse at St. Mary’s Catholic School will work with former Artist-in-Residence, Ekow Nimako. He will teach youth his method for sculpting with Lego. As youth are seldom consulted about urban planning, Nimako will provide Power Youth with an opportunity to shape their future community and learn how to consider what makes a city inclusive, accessible and sustainable.

More about Ekow Nimako
Since last leading Power Youth programs, Building Beyond and Building the Block, Ekow Nimako has continued to work as a program facilitator exploring afrofuturism with children and youth. He has also made a name for himself in Toronto by creating large-scale sculptures from Lego including public displays at Nuit Blanche (2018), the Brain Project (2016) and Scotiabank Nuit Blanche (2015).

Program Dates
Wednesdays, 4-6PM