Lost and Found Fossils
Sun Oct 23 2016
11:00 AM – 1:00 PM
The Power Plant
Join us in this workshop starting with a tour of Yto Barrada’s exhibition Faux Guide, in which participants will be joined by Toni Davies, Palaeontologist and ROM educator. Participants will then act as palaeontologists in search of “fossils” scattered around The Power Plant. After discovering the fossil’s history, participants will use a variety of natural and synthetic materials to fashion a representation of the prehistoric site where the fossil was left behind. At the end of the program, participants will take both their discoveries and creations home.
Power Kids Funder
Reserve your spot now
Registration: Call 416.973.4949 or email powerkids@thepowerplant.org to reserve your spot at a Power Kids session today. Please note that each session is capped at 36 participants and registration is strongly recommended as spaces fill up quickly.
On the Day: Power Kids begins promptly at 3PM and ends at 5PM, any spaces that have been reserved but not claimed by 3:10PM will be released to drop-in participants. Caregivers are expected to join their children in all activities.
Tours and workshops are led by Nadijah Robinson, Power Kids Family Programs Coordinator and assisted by Erica Cristobal, Power Kids Teaching Assistant.