Power Ball: Old / New World
Thu Jun 05 2014
3:00 PM – 9:00 PM
The Power Plant
Detail: Todd McLellan, Apart Old Phone, 2009. From the series "Thing Come Apart." Courtesy the artist (toddmclellan.com).
Experience an art party celebrating a revolutionary moment in time.
Power Ball: Old / New World will lead you on a journey that sets analogue and digital technology on a collision course in art performances and installations that will shatter convention and transport party-goers to a brand new world – all to support programming at The Power Plant.
Christine Davis
Naomi Kashiwagi
Jon Rafman
Oli Sorenson
DJ Kikileaks
More information about Power Ball: Old / New World to come. In the meantime, join the conversation @ThePowerPlantTO and be one of the first to know about all things #PowerBallTO.
CO-CHAIRS: Aristotle Andrulakis, Laurent Fort, Philippe Meyersohn & Georgia Scherman
Join The Power Plant at Power Ball.
Thursday, 5 June, 2014
Lounge begins at 7 PM Party begins at 9 PM.
The Power Plant
231 Queens Quay West
Toronto, ON M5J 2G8
Single Tickets
Lounge - $300
• Includes access to exclusive art performances, specialty cocktails and culinary treats, with a preview of the spaces and access to the Power Ball party to follow
• Includes a partial tax receipt for $180
Power Ball Member Ticket - $150
Become a Member of the gallery now to get a discount on tickets and all of the additional benefits of membership. Please call 416.973.4926 or email Jennifer for more information.
Includes a partial tax receipt for $90
Power Ball Party Ticket - $165
• Includes access to the Power Ball party
Includes a partial tax receipt for $90
Ticket Packages
Please call 416.973.1264 or email Erin to purchase packages.
Power Ball Lounge Package: $3,000 ($3,600 value)
12 Lounge tickets for the price of 10 tickets ($300 each)
Includes a partial tax receipt for $1,560
Power Ball Artist Package: $2,000
• 2 lounge tickets to Power Ball, which includes access to our exclusive lounge area with exciting, one-of-a-kind performances and installations, and access to the Power Ball party
• A donation to The Power Plant which will enable 10 artists to attend the Power Ball party
• Recognition as an Artist Package purchaser
Includes a partial tax receipt for $1,010
Power Ball Party Package: $1,650 ($1,980 value)
• 12 Power Ball party tickets for the price of 10 tickets ($165 each)
Includes a partial tax receipt for $750
Power Ball is the gallery's largest annual fundraiser. From its inception in 1999, Power Ball has set the standard as the most influential, vibrant and original contemporary art party. Attracting a sophisticated "who's who" crowd of artists, fashionistas, celebrities, and financiers from the world of film, advertising, music, design, and art, this is one sensational party providing vital funds to the exhibition and public programs at The Power Plant.
View the Vibe interviews Director of The Power Plant Gaëtane Verna, who discusses how important Power Ball is to the gallery and to all we do. Watch it now
COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Adrian Valois, Alexandra T. Serrano, Alexandra Whyte, Alison Heden,
Allan Penning, Amit Thakar, Anne Douville, Barbara Frum, Ben Langille, Boris Tsimerinov, Chris Binet, Danny Tseng, David Delaney, Dieter Fishbein, Emily Roorda, Erin Litwin,
Fiona Obrien, Francoise Larcade, Genevieve Paisley, Harrison Taylor, Helena Skrinjar,
Jess Thompson, Julie Strifler, Karim Kanji, Kirsten Melville-Gray, Kyle Kofsky,
Lindsay Maskell, Mary Dailey-Pattee, Melanie Ashcroft, Melissa Serrano, Nichole Anderson, Nicole Charles, Nil Koksal, Peter Wong, Phil Frappier, Reuven Ashtar, Sean Green,
Troy Seidman, Callum Schuster, Vandana Taxali