The Power Plant

Power Forum: Curating in the New Economy

Sat Oct 24 2009

12:00 PM – 1:30 PM

Even in boom times, museums and public art galleries struggle to match ambitions with funds. The past year of job losses, budget cuts and funding reductions has hit the art world hard. This panel of talented and enterprising curators and museum directors shares strategies for surviving straitened circumstances, from collaborations that stretch funds and build community support to high-concept projects that don’t demand huge budgets. Debating whether tough times have anything positive to offer the art world, speakers discuss the reassessment of both values and resources prompted by the downturn: including Richard Flood, Chief Curator at the New Museum, New York; Louis Grachos, Director of the Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo; and Daina Augaitis, Chief Curator/Associate Director at the Vancouver Art Gallery. Moderated by Sarah Milroy.