The Power Plant

Power Kids: Over the Air

Sun Jul 24 2022

11:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Admission is free. Sign up here.

The Power Plant Contemporary Art Gallery

We invite kids and their families to join this workshop, inspired by the art installation Qatees, created by Iraqi Kurdish artist Hiwa K.
The workshop will start with a tour around Hiwa K's exhibition Do you rememeber what you are burning?, after which participants will make sculptures and small structures resembling antennas, out of recycled materials.

Hiwa K lives and works in Sulaymaniyah, Iraqi Kurdistan. Working with video, performance, and installation, he draws from personal experiences, including family anecdotes, his arts education, and daily encounters and occurrences. Many of his works stress collectivity and participation as part of their development, engaging with and critiquing teaching and learning systems, and exploring how knowledge can be gathered through everyday experience as much as through academic settings.