The Power Plant

Vintage Scrapbooks

Sun May 03 2015

11:00 AM – 1:00 PM

FREE - Please call 416.973.4949 to reserve a spot.

The Power Plant

This workshop will further explore ideas of identity, memory and how history is constructed by putting together a family scrapbook. Younger participants will begin by interviewing guardians to glean an oral history of familial and ancestral memories. Participants will then work together on creating a scrapbook filled with meaningful images and written descriptions of past personal events using vintage scrapbooking materials as well as personal art work, journaling and found images. The scrapbook will not be complete at the end of the workshop, but rather serve as starting point for a personal investigation and record keeping, to be continued once they take their scrapbooks home.

Tours and workshops are led by artist-educator Anna Bouzina, assisted by Adrienne Costantino.

Please note: For children ages 8 – 12 and their younger siblings and adult companions. Caregivers are expected to join their children in all activities.

2015 Power Kids Sponsor