Your Life, Your Movie Poster
Sun Mar 29 2020
11:00 AM – 1:00 PM
The Power Plant
The Power Plant has postponed all programming until further notice in view of the COVID-19 public health emergency. For updates, please continue to refer to Toronto Public Health.
In Naeem Mohaiemen’s exhibition What we found after you left, film and other visuals go hand in hand to tell stories about family histories and national events. In this workshop, participants will create a movie poster, mounted on wooden panels, to highlight a memorable moment from your life using drawing and collage.
Register here.
For children ages 7-12 and their adult companions. Adults must remain with their children throughout this program.
Tours and workshops are led by Erica Cristobal, Power Kids and Outreach Coordinator.
Any questions or comments can be directed to or 416.973.4949.